Wow, how can I begin my first and long awaited blog? After much anticipation and not knowing quite what to say, I kept this blog empty. Still today, I am trying to find the right way to start this new journey. Actually, I came to the realization that there is no better way to start but to just do it.
First, let me introduce myself. My name is Marjorie Joasil. I am a fashion addict from the fashionable city of Montreal in Canada. My international favorites are Chanel to Alexander McQueen (the list goes on and on). Locally, I love DSquared2, Denis Gagnon and Pink Tartan just to name a few. Also, my day to day hobbies consist of scanning through international magazines, doing yoga, listening to music, shopping, hunting for vintage fashion items and cooking.

In my city I studied advertising, marketing and business management at both Montreal and HEC university. All the while working in high end fashion retail stores to fuel my love for fashion. During that period, I had served a fashion stylist in the store one day who loved the service and advice I provided, she then left me her business card and asked me to assist her with fashion shoots. At that time I did not know much about styling. Little did I know, it would be what I am doing today and aspiring to do for a long time.
I had, for a short time, left the fashion industry for schooling to expand my knowledge in other fields. Later, my passion for details, fashion, music and photography would usher me back in. I started my obsession with anything and everything related to art, advertising and Illustration. It is now my ultimate passion and I just can't let go.
Also, you may by now have heard of my styling of international actress Christine Solomon. I've known her since 2006, when she first said she loved my sense of style and wanted me to help her put outfits together for events she had to attend. She, on top of being totally amazing, is so much fun to hang out with. I loved putting pieces together specifically for her, my only goal being to make her into a fashion goddess. Shortly after we became friends. She has exquisite taste herself and she is indeed not afraid to try new things. I am and have been so happy to join her on her journey while she strut on red carpets at highly anticipated events, wearing the most stylish and glamorous outfits I put together for her.

I am starting this blog, to showcase my taste in fashion but as well as to share thoughts with you my dear fellow fashionistas. We are indeed a community and having fresh new ideas is a must in order to keep a keen eye on what's going on in our va va voom world. I also have this idea of introducing Canada's finest in terms of fashion to a larger market. There is indeed much talent here. However, this fact will not stop me from sharing my thoughts on new finds and already establish iconic fashion gurus alike, from elsewhere.
I will do my absolute best to keep you posted on what I do, people I meet and places I go. I truly believe that this is going to be both fun and exciting. I can't wait to get to know you as well ! Leaving comments is an absolute do. However, bashing people sense of style is a complete don’t. I believe that fashion is an extension of your personality. Therefore, being different is in. Now let's get started !
Marjorie xoxo